Mad Sound Factory PITCHER


A device for adding a CV output to Mad Sound Factory CLOCKER or SOMA ORNAMENT-8.


Mad Sound Factory PITCHER is a simple and chaotic slave module for building a step sequencer in pair with the SOMA ORNAMENT-8. Its behavior relies heavily on the linear SOMA ORNAMENT-8 patch.

The PITCHER allows you to program a sequence of unquantized voltage in timings with the SOMA ORNAMENT-8. The PITCHER can be used as a source for any pitch quantizer module, allowing you to get pretty wild modulations.

Output voltage is well suitable as CV modulation, for controlling the “Bass” voice pitch on the SOMA PULSAR-23. It works well in Eurorack and generally in any semi-modular environment.

Key features:

  • Modulation of the whole sequence with one knob;
  • MUTE mode on output;
  • PSYCHOMENTO — a broken glide generator for chaotic mutation of the sequence.

Small details can vary from batch to batch. We do not make any changes that are cutting the functionality, only minor improvements.

Made in Armenia, one year warranty.